
Membership of the Institute
There are four categories of membership in the Institute.

  1. Fellow
  2. Regular Member
  3. Associate Member
  4. Student Member

To attain the position of a fellow of the Institute requires an examination, after at least five years of membership.
Fellow is the highest level of membership and Professional attainment in the Institute. A prospective fellow must apply and must complete all the necessary documentation.
He or she shall indicate his/her research area and after obtaining approval, shall be assigned a supervisor who must be a fellow and the duration of the project.
On successful completion and defence of the project and on the recommendation of the academic board and approval by the Governing council, the Institute confers Fellowship on the candidate. The New fellow is now entitled to append the suffix (FNIH) after his or her name, plus other benefits and obligations.

A member is a graduate of Homoeopathic Medicine from a recognized Homoeopathic Institution and who has passed the membership examination of the Institute.
A member is entitled to append the suffix MNIH after his or her name plus other benefits and obligations.
Associate Member
An associate member is a graduate of Medicine, surgery, Nursing Science, Pharmacy, Physiotherapy, Laboratory Science, etc, who is interested in Homoeopathic Medicine.
The Associate member must have attended the compulsory seminar for Associate members. An Associate member can attend annual and general meetings and can present papers in Conferences but does not have voting rights. An associate Member can be a member of any of the Institutes Committee but cannot be a committee chairperson until he or she becomes a regular member.

Student- member
A Student member is a person who is a student in any of the Institute’s training programmes in Homoeopathic medicine or in an allied Course or is a student in any recognized Homoeopathic Institution.
A student member attends annual, general, and extraordinary meetings, unless otherwise stated, but does not have voting rights until his/her successful graduation from the training programme, and has passed the Institutes membership examination.

A student member can belong to any of the different committees of the Institute but cannot be the head of any committee until graduation.
A student- member can participate to the extent that his/her status allows.
On graduation, the student- member becomes a regular member with all the rights privileges, and obligations of membership.

Committees of the Institute
The Institute ensures that her members are active and render the required services  through their membership of any, or more, of the following Committees: Publications Committee, Ethics and Standards Committee, Public Relations Committee, Annual General Meeting / Conference Committee, Education Committee, Disease Tracking and control Committee, Research Committee, Convocation / Ceremonial Committee, Welfare Committee, Alumni Association Committee, Workshops/Seminar Committee, International Relations Committee, Government Relations Committee, Disciplinary Committee, Legal Committee.

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